Fill the Gap partners with Noggin, an integrated Critical Event
Management platform that enables businesses and
communities to manage disruption smarter.
For the majority of the past decade, Scott has worked with many of Australasia’s leading Crisis and Emergency response agencies, and some of the regions largest corporations, helping them digitise their AIIMS and CIMS based systems, so that they can Prevent, Prepare, Respond and Recover in the most efficient manner possible, with limited human and financial resource.
Working with the majority of the Public Safety agencies throughout Australasia; along with Health, Utilities, Maritime, Airlines and Dairy, he’s recognised a better way to manage digital transformation projects. Rapidly enabling evidence based decision making, improving communication with all stakeholders, mitigating risks to project timelines, budgets and scope, and improving confidence that intended benefits are going to be realised – before any significant commitment is made.
Experience tells us that digitising Emergency, Crisis and Business Continuity plans can deliver significant costs and time savings resulting in greater opportunity to protect lives and assets. However, with most digital transformation projects, it’s an experimental process at best.
Historically, significant budgets and human resource have been required to simply replicate digitally what is already in place, requiring significant development and customisation (they’ll call it configuration), that takes months to get to minimum viable product, and results in a ‘handcuffed’ relationship with the software provider.
The most common area of waste in this digital transformation process, is the inefficient and ineffective means of capturing the current state processes in a format that allows everyone, from the client side Project Sponsor to the subject matter experts relying on the tools in the field, to understand exactly what is happening now, and the impact that any proposed changes will have on People, Systems, Actions and Information; budgets and achievement of desired outcomes.
In the past, modelling what goes on now has simply been counter-productive for most organisations. On limited budgets and with big promises delivered on their behalf, decision makers often can’t afford to invest significant time and budget to improve their understand of what happens now, and rely on vendors to assist them to a destination with little to no understanding of the origin. Change requests, budget blowouts or reduced scopes are a common occurrence. The use of old tools (Whiteboards, Visio, Excel, PowerPoint and Word) result in poorly communicated expectations, loosely defined scopes and decisions made on trust rather than evidence.
There’s a better way, and one that marginalises the sales person in the decision making process!
At Fill The Gap we employ our Rapid Impact Assessment methodology to ensure this understanding is gained. Using LINQ we are able to gather information from documented processes and client subject matter experts, to ensure you have a complete understanding of not only what happens currently, but why it happens (current state). With this agreed understanding, you can then digitally test scenarios (future state) that incorporate opportunities to mitigate risks and introduce efficiencies (whether they’re related to software solutions like Noggin or not), all prior to making any real world changes. This current state / future state comparison ensures that evidence based decisions can be made, in full awareness of the impact across all areas of the system.
Whether you’re looking to introduce or change a software system to help you with your Crisis, Emergency, Worker Safety or Business Continuity efforts, or simply want a better understanding of how you can introduce efficiencies and mitigate risks in your current processes, we’d love to chat.