What’s your mission?

“What do you bring that others don’t? The way you sell may be the secret sauce and the solution is secondary” – my awesome and very capable brother and mentor, P.K. Time in lockdown recently put a stop to hobbies like running for hours on end through the hills, and jetski fishing, and allowed some […]

Welcome to the business case revolution

end of the whiteboard

“Change is the only constant in life” – Heraclitus It’s just a Bad Business (Case) Organisations struggle to overcome the hurdles preventing successful business transformation. There are many contributors that create significant pain when change is on the table; a lack of data-driven insights facts rather than opinion, complex processes which have evolved organically, business […]


Prioritising projects

5 things you must consider when prioritising projects – for small to medium business leaders As a leader or business owner it can be really tough making sure that you’re focused on the right things. Squeaky wheels get oiled, mundane tasks that need to be completed take too much time, and we slip into our […]


5 ROI career killers

HOW to avoid 5 career killing ROI mistakes Rebecca Waterman wrote an article in CIO Magazine a little while back that I was reminded of when talking to customers about building a business case for IT. She highlighted 5 mistakes to avoid to remove effort and improve accuracy in developing your ROI for IT projects. […]

Business Case Revolution

end of the whiteboard

WELCOME TO THE BUSINESS CASE REVOLUTION “Change is the only constant in life” – Heraclitus In life, change is inevitable; in business, change is vital 70% of change projects fail It’s just a Bad Business (Case) Organisations struggle to overcome the hurdles preventing successful business transformation. There are many contributors that create significant pain when […]


Digital Twin

The principle behind Infonomics is that you must consider your information as an asset.  Once you do this, you can measure, manage and monetise your information.  This will enable you to: mobilise your information to create new business value, create new outcomes that impact your business and your customers,  stay ahead of your competition, and most importantly,  ensure your business […]

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